Monday, October 26, 2020

It's not over yet :)) 2 days

 Last weekly email & ive only shed a few tears :)) Ive said it before & ill say it again but I love my mission!! Good thing I still have 2 more days woooo!!

Tuesday: we taught Jeanne about tithing & temples & it was so so good!! Jeanne is amazing & has made a complete 180° turn around!! Its been absolutely amazing to see the light of Christ enter her life more & more as we meet with her!!

Wednesday: we did service for a member & cleaned all her blinds!! Tbh cleaning is sooo therapeutic as a missionary hahah so it was real good! We also met with our neighbor Tasha!! She lives right in the same apartment complex & we see her around every once in a while & will teach her a little when we see her!! Shes had a crazy life so its fun being able to share with her where we find joy & peace!!

Thursday: we went on exchanges with the Hermanas here in Winder!! It was soooo fun!!! I went with Sister Roane to the spanish area & it was sooo good!! We taught alot of people english & as yall know i speak NO spanish but I managed hahaha hispanics are so cute/sweet tho & have so much fun!! It was such a great exchange!!

Friday: one of my most favorite members took us to lunch at this really fancy restaurant so that was a blast!! We made watercolor calligraphy drawings & took them to the referrals we havent been able to get in contact with!! The days went by so fast this week!!

Saturday: we had another exchange & i stayed here in Winder!! I love love love exchanges! I love being able to see/learn from other missionaries & the way they do missionary work!! Its amazing!! Anyway, we made homemade applesauce with a member & wow what a project!! Also we taught Jeanne & took one of our friends a book of mormon!!

Sunday: we went to a members baptism & it was sooo special!! I love being able to see others enter into the water of baptism!! We also had a friend come to church that we met this past week! Yay for Gods timing in everything!! Jeanne got baptized!!! BEST PART OF THE WEEK!!! it was so incredible to see her make a covenant with God & to come closer to her Savior Jesus Christ. Her husband David gave a talk & it was amazing!! Ive never been so happy for someone!! It was the greatest way to end my mission!!

I am so so grateful for the privilege I've had to serve a mission. Being able to represent my Savior is something ill forever hold close to my heart. I cant imagine not being a missionary anymore but ill still be a missionary ill just change the way i do missonary work. Missions are incredible!! I love yall & ill see you soon!!

Xoxo, Sister Barton

Monday, October 19, 2020

I love my life

 To think this is my second to last email puts things in a little bit more perspective. I LOVE MY MISSION & BEING A MISSIONARY.

Tuesday: we met with Jeanee who is amazing!!! We talked a lot about the atonement & how Christ knows exactly how we feel & because of Him we can be forgiven for our sins no matter what mistakes we have made. It was a really special lesson. Its amazing to be able to love people so fast as missionaries!!

We also met with our new friend Dino!! We met him in the Aldis grocery store & got his number!! We taught him the restoration & it went so well!! I am so happy to have the opportunity to teach all these amazing people!!

Wednesday: it was Sister Higginsons Birthday!!! Dont worry I woke up at 4am to decorate ðŸ˜œ hahahah it was such a good day!! We started the day by doing service for a member by organizing her attic & it was sooo fun! We had a picnic for lunch to celebrate & had a few lessons!! We had one lesson with our new friend Jay that we met at the mailbox!! Hes from Ghana & is amazing!! Our lesson with him went really good & he said it made sense! Wooo we also taught some of the young women in our ward friends on Wednesday night!! It was cool to see teenagers so religous & being so open to talking & believing about Christ. I feel like thats so hard to find now & thats one of the things I love most about Georgia!! We had dinner with a member family & they threw a big celebration for Sister Higginson!! It was really fun & so special!! Members are amazing!!

Thursday: we taught Jeanee again!! She is my women!!! Wow i love her so much!! We talked more about baptism & she said something i loved! She said "Sister Barton, i know you want to be here for my baptism but I know you dont want me to be baptized for you." I couldnt of put it in better words myself. It would mean the world to me to see my new good friend Jeanee enter the waters of baptism but what matters most is that she knows the gospel is true & wants to come closer & follow Christ. I have no doubt Jeanee will be baptized but I am so happy that she will be baptized for all the right reasons :)

Friday: we had exchanges! I went to a different area with a sister named Sister Rowe!! It was really fun!! I love going to different areas & seeing how other missionaries do missionary work!! We did a lot of service!! We did some yard work & painted a church!! Ive learned how much i really do like service on my mission!! Its amazing being able to help people!! Painting the church was really cool because there were a lot of people there!! One of the Elders started talking to a girl there & we were able to explain more things about what we believe & basically taught her the whole restoration & plan of salvation in a complete normal & natural way!! It was so cool!! Missionary work can be just another part of our lives if we let it!

Saturday: we went to a Fall Festival & volunteered for the womens shelter for domestic violence. We usually do yard work for them once a week & she asked us if we could come help out with her booth at the festival!! It was soooo fun!! It was almost like Corna didnt exsist & I wasnt to made about it hahahha. We brought some of our calligraphy quotes & gave those out to people we talked to too!! It was so fun & we met a lot of people & got to show people that we represent Jesus Christ.

Sunday: Jeanee & David came to church :)) they are so special!! We found out David works on saturday so Jeanees going to be baptized next Sunday instead :) Jeanee has been working sooo hard to live the Word of Wisdom & I couldnt be more grateful to be here to see her grow so much & to see the light of Christ slowly start entering her life. I love the Gospel & the joy, peace, & purpose you feel once you let it into your life & start living it.

Ohhhh what a privilege it is to be a missionary for my Savior Jesus Christ. Ive got to the point where this is my normal life & i cant really imagine living in any other way than telling everyone all day about their Savior. Its the greatest thing ive ever done! Missions are incredible & im grateful for this experience.

I love yall!!!

Xoxo, Sister Barton 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Great week!

 Another week that was way to good!!

Tuesday: we went to a self referrals home to do a bible study & she came out telling us she didn't know we were Mormons & that she actually doesn't want to study with us because she doesn't believe the same things. We asked if we could talk with her & explain the things she has questions on. She was a little hesitant at first but then decided we could talk. We sat down & after about 2 minutes she opened up to us about her challenges & basically her whole life. It was incredible. We even brought her one of the cute quotes we made & she just "happened" to have a tattoo of it. Definitely a divine signature from God :)

We had a birthday party for Sheila!! It was soooo fun to be able to celebrate with her!! She has no family here so it's been so cool to watch her gain relationships with the members & for us to be able to love her & spend even more time with her.

Last but not least we met with Jeanie & David. I mentioned that they came to General Conference in my last email but we actually got to teach them this week! We taught them about the restoration & why the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints is the only true church on the earth. They were very receptive & after the lesson David said "I just want to go home & study this book." It made me smile because the restoration is so important & they both are seeing a glimpse of how amazing it really is.

Wednesday: we had a Training Leader Conference & it went so good. I learned a lot about not only being a missionary & a leader but about being a friend to everyone. It was a really great conference.

We went on exchanges & I went to Collins Hill with a Sister named Sister Jensen!! We had SO much fun!! We water colored & made our farmers marker quotes & then had a lesson with one of their friends!! It was a really good exchange & i even got to sleep over woooo!!

Thursday: we started another exchange & I stayed in Winder with Sister Andersen. We finished some of the farmers market stuff & made brownies for some of our members neighbors who they referred to us. We stopped by their home & it went soooo good!! They let us right in & we were immediate friends with them!! So good!!

Friday: we exchanged back & did service for a member. We went & cleaned her home & it felt so good to serve again!! We had interviews with President Harris & they went extremely well. President Harris told me to make sure I enjoy my last two weeks & to keep doing & being me. Yay!! Such a good feeling when your mission President give you so much comfort & encouragement.

Saturday: we went & did more service & painted some doors!! We had a lesson with our new friends Brandon & Jake!! They are juniors in high school & we even had their friends who are members come!! It was so cool to see all these teenagers have such a desire to learn & grow closer to Christ. We had dinner with the same members that came to the lesson & they brought another nonmember to dinner!!! Its so cool! As we make strong relationships with the members everything falls into place. Ive learned so much on my mission about the importance of relationships. As we grow closer together we grow closer to Christ. Its amazing!!

Sunday: we went on a Church swap with our friends Jeanie & David!! They were SO excited to bring us to their church it was so cute!! They both brought their Book of Mormons into their church & we were loving it hahaha in Sunday school we even made a comment & shared a scripture from the book of mormon & everyone seemed to agree. Ohhh it was so amazing hahaha at the end we even gave the pastor a Book of Mormon!! Jeanie & David came to our church after & they loved it. They already have so many friends & I'm soooo excited for them!! In the evening we all met back up at the church & taught them both the Gospel of Jesus Christ & invited them to be baptized. Jeanie was soooo excited & is now planning on being baptized on October 24th!! YAYAY!!! David said he wants a little more time to study things out but there is no doubt in my mind that he will follow her example. They are so prepared & want nothing more that to come unto Christ.

I am so grateful for all the opportunities I've had to be able to recognize the Lords hand in my life. I have seen so many divine signatures this week where I know God is aware of me. I am so grateful to be a missionary & I know that true happiness only comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love yall!!

xoxo, Sister Barton 

Monday, October 5, 2020


 Another week that went by to fast. It became a little real that im actually going to be going home someday!! The mission is great & we are seeing so many great things!!

Tuesday: we went to Sister Hemsleys home to learn how to do artsy things because we want to be apart of the farmers market & want to make it sooo creative!! Hahaha it was really fun tho! She lives in this cute old southern home & is just the cutest southern mom!! Literally what i aspire to be hahaha so much good here in Georgia its amazing!!

Wednesday: Zone Conference!! It was so good!! President & Sister Harris talked alot about unity & focusing on Christ!! Ohhhh so good!!! At the end of the meeting he had all the missionaries going home at the end of the transfer share their testimonies. I had the chance to reflect on what my missions meant to me & I was overwhelmed with emotions. I have loved being a missionary with every piece of my soul & i couldnt even begin to put all my thoughts into words. My mission has been such a privilege.

Thursday: we had District Council & then went to get sushi wooo!! We went & made lots of artsy stuff & went to little botiques, salons, & shops to give them some of our stuff for them to be able to leave on their counter for free for people to take!! We put our contact information on the backs & wooo hopefully it gets somewhere!!

Friday: we went to Sheilas English class & it was so fun!! I have loved being here & seeing Sheilas progress & when she makes the connections of the language!! It really is so special to be apart of!! I love Sheila!!! I cant wait until I get to come back to Georiga & visit Sheila & we will finally be able to have a conversation together! Yay!!

Saturday: General Conference!!! I absolutely loved General Conference! I felt so much peace & found so many answers to my questions!! After the first session we went to meet a lady named Jeanie!! The Hermanas met her husband in walmart & he stopped them asking if they are the people who volunteer on facebook to serve!! They got his number & then we contacted them!! Anyways we went to Jeanies & she is soooo fun!! She told us she loves post malone & you betcha we bonded over the song sunflower hahahahahah i dont know much post malone songs but she sure thought i was cool when i mentioned sunflower so you bet im running with that haha we taught her the restoration & then we had some members pick her up & take her to the church & we watched the second session all together!! It was so fun & she loved it!! This was my first time meeting jeanie & i was already convinced i was meant to meet her!! Woooo!! We watched the womens session & wow!! I love love love that we are still recieving guidance from apostles & prophets & that God will never leave us alone.

Sunday: More conference!! In the afternoon Jeanie & her husband David came & watched it with us!! I can not believe how prepared they are. David has been apart of many churches & currently is a decon at his church. He came & loved how so much was mentioned suffering & how it truly is ok to suffer because thats how we turn to Christ & grow stronger. They both are looking for something & THIS IS IT!!! I love the gospel of Jesus Christ & im so so happy I have this experience of seeing others come unto Him.

In the saturday morning session on of the talks was about seeing deeply. I loved this because its been something ive strived for & now want to work on even more!! We need to see people for their soul & love them as a child of God instead of their appearance or even our first impression with them!!

I love representing my Savior & being able to come closer to Him!! I invite all yall to listen to conference if you havent already! Have the best week!!

Xoxo, Sister Barton