Monday, June 24, 2019

Atlanta North Mission Now??

This week FLEW!! Its so true that the weeks feel like days and the days feel like weeks. I am adjusting to the mission life but its definitely a different life!

Tuesday: we went and taught Vladimir omg let's just say he IS the reason I like being a missionary!! He is still struggling to quit smoking but Tuesday we got mad at him and told him he has got to stop if he wants to get anywhere and his reply was "I'm strong" IT WAS AWESOME! Tuesday night we got a text that there was going to be a group mission call tomorrow during interviews with president because there is a big announcement we were very anxious to hear what it would be!! The stls also spent the night at our house so that was fun!!

Wednesday: we went to interviews!! President clayton sat our district down and then called everyone else in the mission. (We got it live). He then announced that the Cartersville stake will now be apart of the Atlanta Georgia North Mission CRAZY!! We are all getting transferred (23 or so missionaries) to the north mission!! We were all shocked and couldnt believe it.
We then called our families to tell them the crazy but exciting news & then knocked many doors as well as contacted alot of people in the area book. We went to institute with Vladimir and it was awesome!! He loved it and so did i!

Thursday: the cutest girl named Hermana Miller came home from her mission for a few weeks because her wisdom teeth got infected while she was in the Mexico mtc but we were able to take her out and nocked more houses and visited more people our appointment fell through with kyree so we were kinda bumbed about that but we taught Geneva! Shes so cute and it was so fun to teach as a trio!! Geneva has been sick so we haven't seen her much but shes awesome!

Friday: New missionary training!! It was so nice to be with missionaries that are all in the same boat as me! All brand new and all still confused with this whole mission life thing. I learned a lot and it was very comforting to know that these missionaries are going through what i am with the whole lifestyle change! Adjusting to missionary life is real!!!

Saturday: we taught Army!! Army is so close to baptism but can not get why are bodies are baptized if it affects our spirits and we can not seem to answer his question so if y'all have any answers let me know hahahah & yes we told him its symbolic and to follow the example of Jesus Christ and just do it HAHA but it didnt seem to help. Saturday evening we taught Canon, Canon is hindu and is very interested we taught him very simply and it was awesome!! Its crazy the knowledge that we have that we take for granted.

Sunday: we went to church!! I LOVE CHURCH IN THE MISSION!! The members act like we are famous people hahaha I love it!! but on a real note it's so nice to be able to "fill my bucket" because I am always emptying it everyday on others lol so I need that spiritual feast. Next week I'm speaking so wish me luck!!

Monday: P- day!! The weeks go so fast today is zone conference for the last time before we get sent to the north mission and it has been way fun!!!

Fun facts:
•The houses are sooo cute
•My body is made to be in humidity 

Monday, June 17, 2019

1 Month on this mission WAHOO

IVE BEEN ON THE MISSION FOR 1 MONTH!!! in other words... I HAVENT SEEN MY FAMILY IN PERSON FOR 1 WHOLE MONTH AHHH I am loving the mission and time is flying!

Monday: we saw someone named April on our area book and decided to go visit her. She invited us in and we taught her the restoration and she told us that she can read minds (she said she has seen my name before and knew I was coming to teach her) kinda crazy but she also told us SHE WANTS TO BE BAPTIZED!! We couldn't believe it! We set up a return appointment with her on Thursday! 

Tuesday: ZONE CONFERENCE!!! We went to the temple as a zone and it was the best ever!! I love the temple!! I had to pee do bad during the session I made everyone wait for me so I could go to the bathroom HAHAHAA

After the temple we went back to the church and had meetings and lunch! It was so fun! They had a snow cone truck and everything was decorated in lual stuff. It was so so cute!! And good to get to meet more missionaries!

Wednesday: we had district counsel it was so fun to get to know our district!! We went to chick fil a after so that was yum yum! We met with valadimir and he is having such a hard time smoking so hopefully he can quit soon so he can get baptized.

Thursday: we had our lesson with April but she was no where to be found! She has health problems and no car and said she stays home all day but we haven't been able to contact her! Thursday night we went to dinner at a members house! He is from fruit heights and went to Davis so small world!! They have a little boy named Cam who looks just like crew and acts just like crew!! For dinner we had a meal that was totally something my cute mom would make so I felt right at home! After dinner we went to one of the bishop's houses ( we are covering two wards) and his son BUILD A ROLLER COASTER!! crazy!! We then met the stls for exchanges!!

Friday: I was on an exchange with sister Hart in Villa Rica and it was so fun!! We met many so many people and the driveways in villa Rica are crazy they are like so long and have so many hills!! We went to one house that was COVERED in cats we got closer and closer to the house and the more cats we saw. It was CRAZY!! We got to the front door and I looked at the porch and saw at least 50 cats and kittens and i turned to sister hart and said i can't i cant do it and ran away HAHAHA it was so funny but also disgusting!! Also got my first door slammed on me so that wasnt very fun. I was the one talking too!!

Saturday: we met with a recent converet Colette and she knows soooo much it's crazy!! We also met someone named Geneva we taught her the restoration and she is so faithful! she has a son with down syndrome and has so many questions about the gospel with him. We seem to keep telling her that God knows him and will judge him accordingly.

Sunday: VALADIMIR CAME TO CHURCH!!! He said he loved church and was so happy he got to come! He said when people talk it comes from the heart and that he loves that. I have got to agree with that one! We went on splits for Sunday school and I taught my sis Courty's age!! It was really fun awe it made me miss courty! We went to dinner at a members home that night and it was so fun!! I love going to members homes for dinner!

Monday: pday!!! We went shopping and are playing sports at the church so it's been a good p day!! 

The mission field is awesome! I am growing so much and learning new things everyday!! 

Fun facts:
• They have these big trees here with HUGE Mongolia flowers that bloom out of them and it is SO pretty!! 
• Everyone has a screen door on their house!!
• The humidity is made for me
• cronuts are soooo yummy (donut and corsaint) so good

Monday, June 10, 2019

1st week in Georgia!

I made it to Georgia! A little part of me wanted to stay in the mtc my whole mission because it was so amazing there! Tuesday morning I woke up and thought hmmmm maybe I should "sleep in" and miss my flight hahahaha

Tuesday: to start the day sister Nolte and I show up to the train in THE SAME DRESS HAHAHAHA we were dying. Guess great minds think alike! so for all of you wondering from the mtc to the airport you take a bus, then the frontrunner, and then get on trax that takes you to the airport. Oh let me tell ya what a long day hahah when we got to the airport i saw autumn that works with my mom at school and ohhhh how that was a tender mercy!! Then we were off to Georgia! The flight went so fast (probably because I fell asleep twice) hahahaha we got off the airplane and WOW the Atlanta airport is huge!! We rode on a subway/train thing to the baggage claim where President Clayton, Sister Clayton and AP's were waiting for us! From there we went to the mission home in peach tree city where golf carts get their own road awe it's seriously the cutest ever!! I wanna live in peachtree someday!! We had a wonderful southern bbq dinner. It was soooo good. After that we had a testimony meeting at the mission home and then went to some sisters apartment in peachtree to stay the night.

Wednesday: woke up and went back to the mission home for training!! Lots of training and I don't even remember half the stuff we learned. After training we went to TRANSFERS!! Ok transfers are so weird hahahaha the mission president just stands up and announces the area and the companionship. As he calls the names that elder or sister just stands up and then waits for the other name to be called it's so intense. hahaha after transfers you just grab your stuff and go with your companion. My companion is Sister Trussell and she's from Mississippi! We just got in the car and there we were driving to Acworth. We didn't even know each other but now I'm gonna live with her for probably 12 weeks HAHA such a weird thought. We got to our apartment and went straight to bed but wow our apartment is so cute and nice!!

Thursday: first real day as a missionary!! Ok crazy story are you ready... so we had a referral... so we go to the house park IN FRONT of the house knocked and they weren't home so we were tracting around there.... about 5 minutes later we here a big big black angry voice yell " HEY WHOSE CAR IS PARKED IN FRONT OF MY MAIL BOX!! I CANT EVEN GET MY MAIL AHHH" (something along those lines) to say he was mad is an understatement. We walked back to his house and said "hey are you christine's husband we are so sorry we parked there" & he yelled "YES HOW DO YOU KNOW CHRISTINE" and we said "her aunt referred us" oh he wasnt happy "HER AUNT GAVE YOU OUR ADRESS WHY WOULD SHE EVER DO THAT I USED TO BE IN THE NYPD AND I MOVED HERE TO GET AWAY FROM PEOPLE LIKE THIS" he walked inside yelling at his wife and my companion and I just looked at each other like whoops hahahah it was crazy christine came out and she was very nice and we gave her a book of mormon and that was that. Just a funny story.

We also taught an 11 year old named Kyree. Kyree was recently baptized and we are teaching him about temples so that his desire to go will grow. He doesn't have a very good attention span so it was hard to teach him but I love teaching kids!!

Friday: MY BIRTHDAY wahoo THANK YOU FOR ALL THE EMAILS IT MEANS THE WORLD!!! My companion decorated our apartment in yellow streamers and yellow balloons because if you know me you know i love yellow!!! My family gave me the CUTEST package ever omg I cant even believe it! it was so cute!!! I'll send a picture! I also got to call them so that was a big blessing!

We taught a lesson friday! His name is Vladimir and he is from Russia! He is planning on getting baptized but he has troubles with smoking. He radiates the spirit like crazy and is so humble I was crying through the whole lesson because he is so amazing. I had many promptings come to me during this lesson and I ACTED ON THEM ahhh I was so proud so just a little go me moment hahahaha. This is his first week not smoking so pray he can do it so he can get baptized on the 22nd!!

We were tracting for the rest of the day! It's so funny here in acworth we will knock and so many times people will come look who it is and then walk away it's so mean HAHA we also got in a crazy rain storm but it was soooo fun wow!!

We went and had a b day dinner at a place called OCharlies and it was sooo good and someone paid for us so that was a nice blessing!

Saturday: won't go into this day cuz it was a mess. Hahaha the evening was good because we met three new people it was amazing!! One of them named Linda didnt even speak English and somehow we were able to set up a return appointment with her so that was a miracle!! My companion is the funniest driver like even funnier than me and she ran over the whole grass barrier curb thing because she thought it opened up HAHAHA it was hilarious to say the least. So just a funny thing

Sunday: we were at church for 5 HOURS yes crazy I know hahahaha. We talked in sacramnet so that was fun! We both fell asleep after church so that really was a mistake we went to our lesson and she wasn't home and I think that was Heavenly Father's way of telling us we shouldn't of taken a nap. We went to dinner at a members house and it was the best ever!! After dinner we decided to do some more tracting. We walked to the next door neighbors house and there were two young men in the garage so we stopped to talk to them we were able to teach them the restoration so that went awesome and one of their friends showed up and we gave them all book of mormons!!! one of them we made a return appointment with so that was a straight miracle!!!

Monday: P-DAY!! I've never wanted p day so much!! We went to target the best place and shopping so two of my favorite things!!

A few fun:
• all of Georgia's fire hydrants are silver yes they are so cute!!!!
• I saw a real life fire fly oh my goodness so cool right?
• the weather in Georgia right now is so nice i love it
• so many of the houses look like Mary Poppins house! wow I have so many favorites

Georgia is so pretty and I am so excited to learn more about the gospel here and help the people of Georgia learn about jesus christ and come to love him as I do. The mission field is so hard but keep sending me motivational emails I love them and I love you all!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Hi Family! 

I am here in Georgia! We are staying at some sisters houses tonight and then have lots of trainings tomorrow! We just ate dinner and it was delicious! lets just say yes I'm gonna get even fatter HAHA  its so so green here and peach tree city is so so cute they drive golf carts around! ok gotta go! Love you All!!!

Sister Barton

Last week in the mtc WHATTT

To say this week flew by would be an understatement. The last week in the mtc was definitely the best. 

Wednesday: typical day in the mtc. We went over all the confusing phrases in the scriptures and learned how to understand them so that was cool! Also my cute aunt Kari and her family sent me a package of banana bread & treats & a cute photo book! My roommates & I loved it!! Let's just say the banana bread was gone the same day we got it HAHA

Thursday: omg I saw my sis makell!!! AHHH IT WAS THE BDE!! We were playing sand volleyball at the field in front of the temple and makell just "happened" to be there! Yes it was the best to give a part of my fam one last little hug before I'm off to Georgia.

Friday: our last lesson with Hazel was today & shes getting baptized! Oh my heck we love her sooo much and are so excited for her! My cute fam sent me cupcakes! Omg a cupcake has never tasted so good. It was one of my roommates birthdays on Monday so it worked as a little pre celebration!! Also Friday night we went to our classroom and turned on primary songs & had a dance party & I'm pretty sure that had to be the highlight of the mtc.

Saturday: Our last lesson with Becca was Saturday! It was a mess HAHA we went in thinking no matter what we are asking her to get baptized! But..... then she said she doesn't have faith in Jesus Christ so we thought.... ya... let's not do that anymore hahahah also at the end of the lesson we both were testifying to her and she said I know you don't need to tell me twice! HAHAHA 

Sunday: It was testimony meeting and it was the best ever! The spirit in the mtc is sooo strong just imagine the spirit at church in the mtc! After church we went to a missionary devotional. One of the speakers said how if we are wanting to gain a testimony we need to first have a desire second pray and third live it. What better place could I be in right now to gain an even stronger testimony! 

Monday: Our roommates left Monday morning it it was so weird just being with sister bennesch! We are always with the other sister missionaries in our room so it was definitely a change! I have loved having sister bennesch as my companion and I am going to miss her & my district so so much!

Tuesday: On my way to Georgia wooo

I love you all and cant wait to get to Georgia wooo!!