Saturday, October 26, 2019

Times going faster than a cheetah

Hello its me again!! Weeks just keep ticking and time is flying! Before you know it i will be home!!

Monday: i was able to go to the dentist and get my tooth fixed!! It was so cute because i told the receptionist to call my mom to have her pay and the receptionist was talking to my mom while i was right there ahhhhhh it was so so crazy i was like wait now just give the phone to me hahaha we had two lessons on monday so our teaching pool is slowly starting to get bigger so yeah for that!!

Tuesday: we contacted tons of people and like i said last week, we walked, and walked, and walked. Hahaha on campus we walk in literal circles all day but taking to new people so it makes it ok!

Wednesday: we had exchanges with the stls!!! I went with my old companion sister collins and it was so fun to be able to be her companion again for a day haha we taught a lot of lessons and i learned so so much from her.

Thursday: we did tabeling and then sister graff had a doc appointment so we spent the day in Roswell. Its fun for me when we go to the docs because i get extra study time and get free hot coco so its a win win hahaha

Friday: we had so many lessons yeahhh!! Our first one wasnt so good though hahaha we had a lesson with what we didnt realize was a basher!! It was very weird but we got through it! Welcome to the south lol!! Our other lessons all went very good and we are teaching some solid people!

Saturday: today is pday and a member is going to take us shopping so basically ill be in high heaven!!

Hope everyone has such a good week and enjoys halloween!! I am so grateful to be a missionary and i want to invite all of you to do one things this week to share the gospel. It could be talking to a friend, posting on social media, or even inviting a friend to your wards trunk or treat!! So many easy ways to spread the gospel! I love you all and keep being happy because life is way to short to be sad!

Keep being you wooo

Xoxo, Sister Barton

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Walked and walked and walked

Hello all my friends I hit 5 months this week so wahooo!!
Sunday: we got transfer calls!!! Ahhh sister Graff and I are staying together and I couldn't be more happy for that! We are literally the same person and have sooo much fun together! We are now just covering kennesaw state university without the family wards so i had to say bye to all the cute families!

Monday: monday was crazy we had to get everything ready for tranfers because persident opened 3 new areas in our zone it was crazy!!

Tuesday: my 5 month mark wooo! sister graff and I got to go to transfers to pick up some sisters!! Ohhh transfers are so fun to see all the new missionaries and also the ones going home!! I got to see some of my friends and ahhh theres just nothing like transfers!!

Wednesday: to say we walked and walked and walked would be an understatement. Now that we are just covering KSU we stay on campus all day walking in circles and talking to everyone we can especially because we dont have a car.

Thursday: we had service with Donna aweee as you all know i love service!! After we had tabeling!! We have 3 new missionaries at ksu so it was fun to watch them table for the first time and get into the whole college campus groove of things :)

Friday: walked and walked some more! We met a lot of people and hopefully we will be teaching more people next week :)

Saturday: yeah for p day! We did service in the rain and loved that!! Also got to talk to my cute family in park city and i love you all!!

Have the best week and everyone keep being happy and if its hard to be happy find one thing everyday that makes you happy! LOVE EVERYONE READING THIS!

xoxo, Sister Barton

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Read if you wanna :)

Sunday: General conference sunday! Wow I love love general conference. I had so many favorite talks but i think one of my top favorites was Elder Eyrings, he talked a lot about happiness and joy and if i know one thing without a doubt its that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints brings everlasting happiness.

Monday: we had a cute lunch appointment with a single elderly sister and ohhh it was so fun!! The older people here are so southern and so cute! Also a cute little tender mercy... We were walking on campus today and on our way back one of the campus buses pulled over and said "I see you girls walking all the time and I feel bad so get in!" It was so nice awe

Tuesday: we had interviews with president! One of the things president Marsh told me was when im yellow pad praying before i actually begin praying for things to pull up a general conference talk and just start reading and a lot of the time answers to my questions will be right there. Its been so cool to do it the rest of the week because i can honestly say every talk ive read so far has had something i needed in it. So cool!!

Wednesday: we went to the temple!! Wow the temple is so pretty and it was great to be able to go. I learned a lot of new things and they even changed a few things for missionaries in the temple!!

Thursday: we had lots of lessons with some people i am very excited for!! We are teaching a girl named TK who has very basic beliefs and i am so so excited to teach her more because she is so open! We taught her the resto and i shared the first vision with her and all she said was wow that was powerful!! It was so good!!

Friday: we taught Jerry and Bobbie who we met on tuesday!! They are this cute old couple that we found tracting! Its so cute they were so worried about us going around and knocking on strangers doors. A little part of me thinks they just let us in to make sure we are safe hahaha theyre awesome though!!

I am learning so so much about being a missionary and im excited to keep learning!! Missions are so cool because they bless so many peoples lives as well as my own. Love you all!!

Xoxo, Sister Barton

Saturday, October 5, 2019

General conference weekend wooo

Sunday: ohhh all the tender mercies of missionary work!! I met molly and dallin, the wrights who live in my neighborhoods cousins!! Oh how awesome it was to have a little tender mercy to remind me of back home!

Monday: exchanges with the stls!! Its so fun to be able to see different types of missionary work and different ways to apply what we are given!! I love being able to learn from other missionaries because there is so many ways to do the Lords work!

Tuesday: we finally taught Hayley again woooo! Hayley has had a very crazy up bringing with religion so wants to take things very slow!! She is very fun and i cant wait to watch her progress!! She has the cutest little twins and if you know me you bet i wanted to hold them the whole time! Darn for mission rules!

Wednesday: sister conference!! All the sisters in the mission got together for a conference!! It was very good to be able to see other sisters!! They had a clothes swap and you bet i got new clothes for free wooo!

Thursday: we tracked a ton and found lots of new people!! I love the mission and being able to meet all types of different people. Also we had a member dinner and they sent a pic to my mom so that was kinda cute!!

Friday: we taught a members daughter who just turned 8 but isnt sure if she wants to get baptized. It was so fun to be able to talk about how special baptism is and how this is a gift from heavenly father.

Saturday: general conference!! Ahhhh conference on the mission is the best!! I love being able to hear the apostles speak and hopefully be able to apply their teachings into my mission!

I am especially grateful for tender mercies this week! I have had many things reconfirm to me that i am supposed to he here in georgia and i couldnt be more thankful for that!

xoxo, Sister Barton