Monday, August 31, 2020

service wooo

 What a week!!

Tuesday: we had exchanges with the spanish sisters in commerce!! I stayed in Winder & Sister Bruening came here with me!!

We taught Sheila about the temple & it was such a great lesson!! She was so excited to one day be able to perform ordinances for her ancestors & to be sealed with her family!! I love Sheila & her gratitude for the gospel.

Wednesday: we studied come follow me with Sister Mixon!! What a cutie she is!! After we went to the peace place which is a safe house & we are going to do some service there!! We went & met with the volunteer coordinator & they have sooo much for us to do!! She was saying how its been way hard during covid & how grateful she was for us. We are sooo excited to serve them!!

We had interviews with President Harris!! He is an amazing man! He lives his life so close to the spirit you can feel it so strongly when you're in his presence. Even his countenance radiates the spirit. I absolutely love interviews because I feel like its a little pep talk & then you're so motivated to get back to work. Its the best!!

Thursday: we had District Council which is always a blast!! Trainings were given on love & service & they both were very powerful.

We went to Marthas!! Shes a Spanish member & the Hermanas do service for her so we go too!! We got there thinking we were going to paint & everyone was talking (i can't understand) & then all of a sudden im handed scissors & her daughter is standing in front of me!! Hahaha i was so happy to be back in ny element! It was really special because her daughters haven't gotten their hair cut professionally for over 10 years & had so much gratitude to be able to get their haircut!! Yay for service & being able to share talents & do what I love!!

Friday: we had exchanges with the commerce english sisters!! I went to commerce & we visited a member & made goodie bags for their ward!! Exchanges are great because its like a mini vacation hahaha you get to see this new part of Georgia & spend the day with completely different people.

We went fishing at a members home that we had dinner with! I dont think ive ever fished more or even been fishing before coming to Winder hahaha its way fun & maybe a new hobby of mine hahaha

Saturday: our ward mission leader took all 6 of us missionaries out to a Mexican restaurant. Ohhh my goodness he is the most loving old man youll ever meet. Him & his wife are constantly thinking of other people!!

The hermanas had a spanish party & it was sooo cute!! They are trying to start a Spanish branch & want the members to be as united as they can. We made lots of treats & helped set up! They planned lots of games but if you know hispanics they could just talk for hours so that's what it turned into! Haha

Sunday: we went to the spanish group but the our english ward doesnt do church on the 5th Sunday so we were able to go to the bishops home & have lunch & the sacrament.

We made cookies for some of the members with the otto girls who are young women in our ward! It was so fun & they wanted us to come back for dinner hahaha so we went & had dinner with their family!! I love Georgia & the people here!!

If ive learned anything this week its that joy comes from serving others. When we serve others we are turning outward & forgetting ourselves. It really is the best way to forget our problems & truly love others & see them how God does. Im convinced that service grows our hearts in ways we never would've imagined.

I love yall & find ways to serve!

Xoxo, Sister Barton 

Monday, August 24, 2020


 Hey yall!! Hope everyone is good!! Time is moving so fast here in Georgia!! How are we already in our last week of August?!? A lot of the time I feel like im in a dream because time is so weird on the mission!

Tuesday: we did some Facebook finding & found 5 new people!!! Wooo facebook finding is weird because its so simple but you've got to be creative & have lots of ideas! We decided to try posting a question in a few groups to see if anyone would respond. We asked "how are yall able to stay positive during this time?" We had a lot of people comment & because were in Georgia a lot of their answers were to pray or trust in God. From their comments we were able to respond back & just create real & natural conversations with these people! Its really cool to be able to do missionary work through social media!!

We also taught Sheila! I keep having this cool thought about when I come back to Georgia in a few years & I get to see Sheila she will probably speak english by then & we will actually be able to communicate with no translator!! It makes me excited to think about because Sheila is so amazing & right now we can't even fully understand eachother so just imagine when we can hahaha!

Wednesday: we went on exchanges with the Hermanas here in Winder & that was fun! We went & painted a members home & it was a good time! I love painting! Hahah

We also were able to do a bible study with someone we found on facebook on tuesday & his wife joined the call too! They actually live in Missouri so we will have to refer them to the missionaries there but it went really good & we set up to study every wednesday together so wooo!!

Thursday: instead of District Council we had a Zone Council. Our mission has come up with 2 new mission goals! 1. Every companionship to baptize 2. Strive for exact obedience. It was a very motivational council to discuss ways we are going to achieve these goals!! Yay for goals!!

After we went to Marthas who is a spanish member & did some more painting!! I think im actually starting to get an idea of whats going on when im there hahaha so Martha & i have started to become friends because she really likes that i am starting to "understand" her hahah in reality i just anticipate her more hahaha

Friday: we had exchanges with the Senior STLs!! I went to Lilburn & got to see their area & how they do missionary work there! It was really good to get new ideas & brainstorm with them ways we can be better. There is so much power that comes through exchanges i always leaved recharged to do missionary work!!

Saturday: we went on a hike in the morning with some of the young women!! It was beautiful!! I'll attach pics so everyone can see the beauty in Georgia lol!!

We had another exchange with other sisters in our zone. They are actually quarantined & dont get to leave their apartment until right before transfer so we just did an exchange over zoom. It went really good & it was filled with so much motivation & purpose.

We went & helped the penningtons pack up some more of their stuff to get ready to move!! Yay for service!! We also had a sisters zoom call in the evening where we played a game over zoom! Most of the sisters in the zone are quarantined so this has been a fun way to still see eachother & get to know everyone better.

Sunday: we went to the spanish group again & then to our english ward! I love being able to go to church & being able to meet members we normally wouldnt. We had a few meetings too & overall it was just a real busy day!!

This week I've been thinking a lot about my mission & how much it means to me. I am so grateful for the opportunity I've had to serve a mission. Being able to represent my Savior Jesus Christ is something I find complete joy in & i will forever hold these experiences so close to my heart. Yay for missions!!

I hope all yall have the best week💫

Xoxo, Sister Barton

Monday, August 17, 2020

Sarah got baptized :))

 I couldnt be more content with my life as a missionary. I am experiencing great things & creating lasting relationships. Ohhhh i feel so blessed to be given this opportunity.

Tuesday: we had a zone conference over zoom with Elder Martino & elder hollland (elder hollands son) who is from the seventy!! It was really special to hear insight from them about missionary work. It inspired me to work harder & be a diligent & dedicated missionary.

We taught Sheila again & ohhhh my goodness. She is the sweetest & radiates the light of Christ. We asked her what her thoughts were about her baptism & she said she felt something different after she was baptized & how the baptism went even better than she had hoped for!! We read in the Book of Mormon with her in 3 Nephi 11 where Jesus Christ comes to the Americas. Its very interesting to see what Jesus first tells the Nephites. He first explains the atonement & how its for each of them. To me this shows how much he loves us & wants us to use him in our everyday lives. Then he goes on & talks about baptism & the importance. This shows me that first we need to accept Him & get to know Him & second we need to be baptized & make those promises with Him so we can return to God. This really shows the importance & urgency because this was the very first thing he wanted to Nephites to know.

Wednesday: we had a zoom call Missionary Leadership Council with Elder Martino & Elder Holland!! It was truly an incredible experience & being able to council together about ideas for the mission brought the spirit so strong.

We got to do come follow me over the phone with sister Mixon!!! I love how much she loves having our lessons!! She is always trying to notice something new in the scriptures with the intent of learning & applying it to herself!! Ohhh i love that women!!

Thursday: we woke up & went & did yard work!! We pulled weeds & did all the funstuff! I think I wanna be a gardener! Everyone here in Georgia has beautiful yards & its amazing!! After we had District Council!! Its crazy because most missionaries changed this transfer so its good to spend time & get to know them!!

We also did more service for the penningtons who are the family we painted for. They've sold their home & now are slowly starting to pack so we started packing up sister penningtons book collection & wow i never knew someone could own so many books!! Book cases & book cases full!

Friday: we did lots of planning & basically just prepared for all the busy things going on. It was a good day but mind draining haha

Saturday: Sarah got baptized!!!! Ohhhh it was sooo special!! It was her birthday too so we were celebrating lots of things!! I was able to give a talk on the Holy Ghost & I am so grateful for the guidance I have been given through the Holy Ghost & that I was able to share that with Sarah!

After the baptism we did a car wash with our district & it was sooo fun!! Only a few cars came but they were all none members so that was good!! I love how creative/fun we can have now as were all learning together what the best way to do missionary work is during Corona! Its very cool how things happen so we can learn new things & better ways.

Sunday: we went to the spanish group with the hermanas & ask ne why hahahaha. I knew absolutely nothing that was going on. Ha i sat there for 2 hrs so confused & then get this... at the end of the meeting they asked me to say the prayer HA little did they know i had been faking paying attention for the last 2 hrs 😂 hahaha

we had church with our English ward & i would say that went alot better. I am very grateful we are now able to meet & have church together!!

Im so grateful to be here in Georgia & to be able to preach the gospel during this pandemic. I have learned soo much & have loved experiencing seeing others come to Christ.

I love yall & stay happy!!
Xoxo, Sister Barton

Monday, August 10, 2020

Sheilas baptism :))

 What a week!! This week has been full of soooo much change & was kinda crazy!! Sheila got baptized & it was one of the most amazing experiences!

Tuesday: we had Transfers!!! We woke up & finished packing everyone in the apartment & drove to lilburn. It really sad because my whole apartment was leaving me & i have grown so close with them. I was excited because i didnt know any of the sisters i was going to live with but also really scared. But life goes on. My new companion is Sister Clark from Draper!! We exchanged & we were off!! Here I was with 3 complete strangers driving them back to the apartment ive been living in for 3 months. Missions are so weird hahahahaha. But the rest or the day we went to the store & helped them unpack. It went pretty good overall, other than my few breakdowns about leaving my friends.

Wednesday: we had a jam day with a member!! She taught us how to make home made jam & gave us canned chicken that she made for lunch! Kinda cool but kinda interesting.

We also taught Sheila the Commandments!! Sheila is sooo amazing!! She has such strong faith & a true desire to learn. She asks so many inspired questions so she can really understand for herselfm wow shes awesome!

We also taught Sarah the commandments & played a matching game to explain them. Im so excited for all of our friends & their progress!!

Thursday: we had our first district council & it was sooo weird. Our whole district of 10 people all got transfered but me & 1 elded. CRAZY! So it was all like way new & different but change is good! Right? Im trying to convince myself on this one hahaha we also made treats & took them to some members!! It was good to do random service!!

Friday: we had a mini MLC over zoom & we got told we were going to be having another MLC with a general authority on wenesday!! Im excited to see what he has in store for us! Hahaha we also get to have a zone conference with him on Tuesday so our missions about to be sooo inspired lol! The rest of the day we planned & then had Sheilas baptisimal interview!!! Its been amazing to see her excitement for baptism.

Saturday: we had mission correlation & talked/planned alot for Sheilas baptism on sunday!! Ohhhh I was so excited for her & the decision she was making!! After we went to the park to do our studies & i havent loved anything more!! Ohhh it was sooo good to be outside & have it actually feel like summer!!

Sunday: SHEILA GOT BAPTIZED!!!!! Sheilas baptism was at 10am & it was sooo special!! Elder Gnatiko whos been able to translate our lessons was able to come & give a talk in French about baptism & it was so special!! One of our members also speaks a LITTLE bit of French & she memorized her whole talk in French so Sheila could understand. The spirit was so strong & it was amazing for me to see the blessings & miracles from being a member of the church. It will not only bless her but past & future generations of her family. Ohhhh i got very emotional to say the least. The gospel is amazing!!

I am so grateful to be a missionary & to be able to see great miracles everyday! This worldwide pandemic wont stop the work from progressing & I have been a witness of that!! I love missionary work & know God has a purpose and a way for everything.

Love yall!!
Xoxo, Sister Barton!!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Yay for people coming to Christ :)

 This is a long email & im real sorry but what an eventful week!!! Read if you wanna or just scroll to the pics hahaha but definitely read if you wanna see the good of God in my life this week :)

Tuesday: Zone Conference!! We had zone conference with one other zone in the mission. It was fun to be together with other missionaries but also way weird because of social distancing & masks & ll that hahah. It was President Harrises first Zone Conference & I really enjoyed it!! We gave a presentation on working with other missionaries! In winder I have really felt the importance of not only being united with your companion but with everyone you work with. Unity is the key to success & brings so much strength to the work.

After Zone Conference we had a lesson with Sheila!! We taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the help of Gnatiko who speaks french. Its amazing how strong you can feel the spirit when you dont even speak the same language. Truly incredible. We had a member there who is really good friends with Sheila & she was able to share how being baptized has blessed her life & what miracles she has seen from being a member of the church. Her & Sheila both were very emotional & the spirit was so present. We ended up putting Sheila on date for baptism for August 9th!!

We also taught Tricia!! Yes this day was very busy but sooooo good busy!!! We taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ & its really amazing because everything just seems to make sense to her. She lives a life as if she is already a member of Christ church. We talked about the need for baptism & she told us she has been thinking about that a lot & how she knows God put us in her life for a reason. We set a baptismal date for August 16th & are so excited for her. I have been so blessed her in Winder to be able to participate in so many experiences to bring others to Christ as well as myself. Such an amazing experience.

Wednesday: We did a lot of service!! There is a family in our ward that has 10 KIDS!! yes 10!! Incredible!! The mom saves all their clothes so when the next child is big enough they can wear them. Its really smart & she has like 15 buckets full of clothes labelled in sizes but what we did was change all the clothes out. So we took out all the summer/early fall clothes & put winter clothes in!! It was really fun & you could tell how much we were helping her by participating in such a small thing.

In the evening we went to the yw&ym activity & it was so fun! We watched the music festival that the church broadcasted outside on a big blow up screen with lots of treats! It was fun to meet more of the youth & sarah (who we are teaching) & her sister emily ended up going too & it was really good to help them be more involved with the ward.

Thursday: we did more service!! I never knew how much i loved service until I became a missionary!! Service is literally the best!! Being able to show someone so much love by your efforts & truly doing what Christ would is one of the greatest opportunities. We helped sister Pennington finish painting her house!! I kept thinking why would she trust 4 random sister missionaries who have no idea what they are doing finish painting her house?? & then i realized how great of an opportunity she was giving us to serve her!! Giving others opportunities to serve is just as great as doing the actual service. Being humble enough to let others step in when you need it is huge!! Even if they have no idea what they're doing (US) hahahaha

We also taught Sarah again!! Ohhh how I love the Wilson family!!! They're the shyest & quietest family ive ever met but so full of love!! Its so cute because everytime we have a lesson they pull up to the church in their 15 passenger van & their whole family comes. We went over the plan of Salvation & had the primart president there to share her testimony of what the Plan of Salvation means to her. It went very well & I am so grateful to be able to teach Sarah & have the whole Wilson family be apart of it.

Friday: we did come follow me with Sister Mixon!! Ohhh what a cutie lady!! Its been really sad not being able to visit her but good thing we have technology so we can still contact her & do lessons over the phone. Shes my bff & definitely a big part of why i love Winder so much!!

We taught Tricia again & helped her to understand the commandments we live & things that make us different from other churches. It went really well & helped me realize even more how blessed we are to have these guidelines to keep us from the world.

Saturday: We tried to go blueberry picking but that was closed but kinda a fun idea right? Hahaha instead we just went to lunch but it was great!! Sister Swapp & i wanted to do something fun before transfers because you never know whats gonna happen & if someone's gonna get transfered!!

In the evening we taught Sarah/the wilson fam the Gospel of Jesus Christ!! We made it into a game & it was sooo fun!! We had a picture of God on a wall & then had sarah stand on the other side of the room. We asked her to make it to God without touching the floor. She obviously couldnt do it & thought we were crazy hahaha but then we put down the steps it takes to return back to God. Starting with Faith, repentance, baptism, recieve the holy ghost, & enduring to the end by continuing this throughout life. It was a fun lesson & its been awesome to see Sarah slowly start to open up to us!! Shes the cutest lil girl ever!!

Sunday: WE HAD CHURCH!!! ohhhh it felt so good to be able to get back to church & see so many members together! Sheila & the Wilson family were also at church & it made me sooo happy.

After Church we had dinner with members & the rules got changed so we can now eat with Elders at the same time in a members home so we were all there together!! It was fun but weird becasue ive gone my whole mission with that being a no to now getting a new mission president & it being a yes. Hahaha it was really fun tho & the members that fed us are amazing!!!

We got transfer calls & ohhhh let me tell ya... did we get transfer calls... the Hermanas we live with got a call at like 7:30 while we were still at the members home that they were both leaving & what their new area was & who their new comps were. Then the elders got a call while we were at the members home that one was leaving. Sister Swapp & I were so happy & content because now we would have an apartment & a car to ourselves & were just thinking of all the selfish greatness. Hahaha like how now we dont have to share 1 shower with 4 sisters & have no room in the fridge & ya the list goes on. BUT then like an hourish later OUR PHONE RINGS. PLOT FREAKIN TWIST. Sister Swapp gets told shes leaving & IM GETTING 3 NEW SISTERS & in this area with me & WERE ALL ENGLISH. WHATTTTT???!!!! ya it was crazy & to say im overwhelmed is an understatement hahahaha im teaching 3 missionaries the area as well as teaching one of them how to be in leadership. Ya definitely not the plan sister Swapp & I had in mind. Hahahahaha but i guess God knows best!!

Missions are full of the unexpected. You think one thing right when something else happens. I have learned more than ever to trust in God while ive been a missionary. He seese the entire picture & knows whats best for us. I love yall & stay happy!!

Xoxo, Sister Barton