Monday, February 24, 2020

Yay for Blairsville and training... AGAIN

Yay for cute new missionaries!! This week I got my new little greenie straight from the MTC! Her name is sister Deweese & shes from Eagle Mountain Utah and we are staying in Blairsville!! So to start the week....

Monday: we packed up Sister Venema and tbh i always get sad when i have to say bye to a companion. You're with them 24/7 and then all of a sudden they just leave. Ya it's weird. But we packed her up, cleaned our apartment and called our families!! I LOVE MY FAMILY AHHHH

Tuesday: TRANSFERS!! We woke up at 5 & drove down to lilburn! I was pretty anxious the whole drive because i just wanted to know who my new companion was! We got to transfers and went through the meeting & at the end president Marsh has all the trainers move to one side of the chapel and had all the new missionaries come to the puplit and say one thing they learned. Then he would annouce their trainer and area. I was sitting there waiting and waiting. One would go, then the next, then the next, then i hear Sister Barton in Blairsville and i look up and go wooo & ran up & hugged my new comp. Awe it was so exciting!! Then we packed up the car and drove back to blairsville. We had to make lots of stops for other missionaries on the way & didnt get home until about 4pm! So definitely an all day thing. We went to the store & unpacked & then did studies and the day was over. Transfers are always full of sooo many emotions.

Wednesday: we had 2 member meals and 2 lessons!! We taught the Beavers who are less actives & we love them!! We did come follow me with them & brother beavers even played his guitar! It made my day!

Thursday: we had 4 lessons! Yes unheard of for blairsville!! A few were with less actives but it was such a good day!! We met with our friend minnie who was previously being taught by the missionaries who we decided to contact! She has even been on date for baptism before! We talked about the book of mormon and we are going to re teach her the restoration!
We then met with Hughie and sister Dockery who are both less actives and we helped to uplift them!
We met with the Jones kid and did a fun game with a thought! It was so awesome because all the kids participated. Usually we have the younger 3 but the older 2 came and joined us!! It was so exciting!!

Friday: we met with another less active and also with bessy!! We read 2 nephi 9 with bessy and talked about what Jesus Christ expects from us! She is so ready to be baptized but has a hard time seeing why she needs to be baptized again. We invited her to pray for the next step God wants her to take so hopefully she will feel baptism is right.

Saturday: we had district council and then went finding! It was our first time in our new zone and we could feel that we were where God needed us. The first house we knocked on i talked about gaurdian angles & the lady said it was interesting i picked that one because her sister had just passed away! So cool!! We kept tracting and found 7 new people! In one day!! That is unheard of for Blairsville!!! Wow! It was truly a miracle!! I have been praying lots lately to see a miracle and lead us to the people that are prepared. I am sooo thankful for prayer and that we can have direct communication with God. Hopefully we can start consistently teaching these new people!

Sunday: we had branch conference!! We were asked to sit in on the youths lesson on conversion & i shared how my conversion continues to grow the most when i am constantly finding ways to align my will with Gods & then shared the example of faith it took to come on a mission. One of the youth made a comment that during the lesson she had been thinking a lot about a mission and maybe she should go even if it isnt her will. I was happy that through the spirit my thought was able to spark a interest in her mind. We NEVER know what our experiences and testimony can do for someone else!

One or our members also brought her friend to church!! We were able to talk to her after and she said she loved it! She said from the moment she walked in she felt the spirit. So incredible!! We got an appointment with her so we are excited to teach her!!

I have seen the Lords hand in my life and missionary work sooo many times this week. It has truly been incredible and has really strengthen my testimony that God knows us and knows EXACTLY what we need and when we need it. We wont always be given what we want but it will be what is best. I LOVE being a missionary and wearing my saviors name on my chest everyday! Love you all and keep spreading the joy the gospel brings!!

- Sister Barton

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