Monday, March 2, 2020

Everyone pray out load

Another week in the life of Sister Barton as a missionary!!

Monday: zone p-day and as yall know i love those kind of things!! Being able to see old companions & mission friends is the best!!

Tuesday: we met with Minnie!! Minnie is hilarious she always tells funny stories & definitely gets off topic but its so funny so its ok! We taught her the beginning of the restoration but didnt get through even half of it because she had so many side stories hahaha
We found two new people to teach too so that was good! We also got some ice cream for the newbie because missions can be hard. If any of yall got any tips for transitioning hmu!

Wednesday: we met with Shirley who used to be a member but is now a Jehovah Witness. We were able to talk about the restorarion and she actually seemed really interested to learn about it again!! We hope to continue to help her feel the spirit so she can come back to church!
We also met with Valarie who is a less active with lots of health issues. She is eo funny and basically our whole "lesson" was about trying to find her a husband! We meet the funniest people here in Blairsville & honestly thats whats keeping me sane hahahaha

Thursday: we met with Bessy!! Bessy is honeslty the cutest lady!! Shes real old & real small & has real health issues. She is just so dang cute though! She has so much faith in christ and is always wanting to come closer to him! We have taught her everything more than once but she still thinks her baptism was valid soooo ya were still working on that.
Then we met with Luke!! Luke is a cool guy!! He believes in the book of mormon and knows its true but we can't get him to come to church because hes scared he will feel out of place. We are working with him though!!

Friday: it snowed again in georgia & was real cooled so it was kinda a bummer day. Our appointments fell through & we felt kinda discouraged until.... sister flowers texted us and wanted us to come for dinner with her and Teresa!!! Yes the Teresa from my emails back a while ago!! We went over had dinner & Teresa told us how she has felt so strongly that she needs to find things to help her come closer to christ because she needs to find peace. I told her a way i find peace is through praying but not just in my head but out loud. Its a way that helps me feel like God is even more aware of me. She really liked that idea said she will try it.

Saturday: we went to a baptism in Murphy North Carolina with Sister Flowers and Teresa! When we got there Teresa was so excited to tell us about this amazing thing that happened. She told us with tears in her eyes that she tried praying out load and she got this feeling of peace that she hasnt felt in over 15 month. It was amazing to see that God really is aware of all of us. The baptism started and Teresa just kept crying. She said she felt so much peace and knows this is where she needs to be. Aweee it was so incredible!! Yay the gospel changes lives!!

Sunday: we had church YAY! Then we got to go with the elders to take the sacrament to Valarie so that was fun! The rest of our day was full of tracting with not much success but the sunshine was out and it felt like spring so im not complaining!

I am so thankful to be a missionary. Ive said it once and ill probably say it 2572927 more times but MISSION LIFE IS THE BEST!! To see the gospel change lives right before my eyes has been incredible!! I would trade the experiences ive had for anything and i hold them so close to my heart. I love representing my savior everyday and im so grateful i still have 9 more months yay!!

I want to invite yall to look for christs hand in one thing this week because he will always be there we just need to look. I LOVE YALL!
- Sister Barton

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