Monday, February 3, 2020

Finally P-day HA

What a week! This week felt like 3 weeks in one!!

Tuesday: Literally the BEST DAY!! Ashley & Chris are getting baptized!!! We went over the Word of Wisdom & the Law of Chasity & they commited to living them before we even asked!! They have such a strong desire to learn and grow to come closer to thee and i LOVE being apart of it!! We also talked about the temple and the how baptism isnt the end & they loved it!! It was such a good lesson!! I am so excited for the blessings that God has instore for them! Baptism isnt just going to effect them but generations before and after!

Wednesday: we spent a good portion of the day tracting to find more people to teach but lets just say not much success hahahah people are soooo funny here in georgia if its even the slightest bit of cold NO ONE answers their doors hahaha so we just knock to empty people so hopefully spring comes fast!!

Thursday: we had Interviews with Predient & Sister Marsh! We live 2 hours away from any other missionaries so this ended up being an all day event. Haha but as everyone knows I LOVE PRESIDENT & SISTER MARSH!!!! Interviews is what keeps me going! Our mission has been really focusing on being obedient and how blessings come to us from obeying. I know this to be true not just on the mission but in real life!! Sometimes not obeying the rules can help us feel like we fit in, are normal, or give us a thrill of rebellion (me) HAHA! But really as we obey with exactness God opens another gate of blessings for us and it is truly incredible! So everyone this week find one way you can be more obedient to Gods will :)

Friday: We met with Sister Flowers! She is preparing to go to the temple and our branch presdient has asked us to go over the lessons again. She has grown so much and her faith is incredible! She had a few questions we went over but she is so ready to make more covenants! I am thrilled to be apart of her process to go to the temple!

Saturday: We went to the nursing home to visit some members! Awe it was so special and really made me appreciate the gift of life. We also went tracting with a member and WOW!! Ive got a funny story!! So as I said before its been a little cold here and georgia people are so funny in the cold! INCLUDING OUR MEMBER!! We were knocking and one house actually answered so we were so happy!! we start contacting the lady and she tells us shes Methodist... ok... then our member says "Do methodist people let latter day saints THAW out in their homes?" Yes she asked the lady to come into her home and get THAW! HAHAHA omg i think the lady was mortified but what can ya do! It definitely made me laugh! For dinner we went to RIB Country and theres only 4 in the US so we had to go!! It was real yummy & I was like a little girl at outback with my ribs again :) #rememberdad?

Sunday: we tracted and then traveled down to the city for zone pday!! Zone Pday is always wayyy fun & being able to see other missionaries is so good!!

I love being a missionary! I cant express my gratitude enough for having the chance to serve. I can't imagine being anywhere else but in Georgia with these incredible people and missionaries! I love my Savior and im grateful to be serving him!! 
I love yall and stay happy and be you!!

Xoxo, Sister Barton

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