Saturday, August 31, 2019

day to day of a missionary

Sunday: we had a very less active come to church and shes signed up to feed us so that was so sweet! Also a member brought his friend so church was all around awesome! Sunday was also sister austins birthday so we decorated the whole appartment and suprised her and went to the senior missionaries house who are serving in the YSA branch and had dinner and her favorite chocolate cake!! It was so fun!

Monday: we are spending so much time at KSU i love it! We have found so many people! last week we had 12 news!! YES 12!

Tuesday: we had our last district council awe kinda sad!! I made the one and only famous Barton hot fudge and everyone loved it! Thx for the recipe mom ðŸ˜š

We taught Clara tuesday we talked a lot about faith and i told her that a mission was something i didnt want/was scared to do but that i felt so strongly that it was something Heavenly Father wanted me to do and that it took a lot of faith for me to take that next step. We talked about the blessings that come from baptism and the importance of taking that step. She told us that she wants to be baptized but us very worried about how her parents will react. Pray her parents will support her!!

For dinner we went to the Lenahans!! The best members! The ones who took us to a REAL italian restaurant, SUSHI, and this time they made REAL BBQ for us!! He said he spent all day cooking just for us!! Omg it was so nice and so yummy!!

Wednesday: We contacted so many people omg its so good! We taught one of our contacts from earlier in the week about families and temples and how through temples we can be with our family for all eternity. Its so special and something i love love teaching people because so many people believe it but then we ask how and they dont know. We have the opportunity to teach them the HOW behind it!! AHHH its so awesome!!

Thursday: we had tabeling!! Tabeling is where you set up a table (obviously) and we have a big whiteboard with a question on it. Our question was "what is your favorite Bible verse?" Then as people walk past we ask them to write their favorite bible verse! Its awesome because so many people get so excited to share! Some people just come up and write it!! Here in the south people love their Bible!! By tabeling we are able to talk about the verse they wrote and turn it in to talking about the gospel and what we believe!! I even had a guy come write one and as we were talking he said wait im looking for a church! And we were able to set a return appointment! Wooo!

Friday: we contacted all day and ended with a lesson with a less active. We taught her the FAT->FIT lesson (families AND temples -> families IN temples) and she loved it. We talked a lot about the work we can do for our families in the temple and invited her to find a name to take. She said she has no idea how so we now have the opportunity to set her up an account and help her find those names!!

My emails are long so if you are still reading this GO YOU! I am truly loving being a missionary and time is already flying!! I have already been here 109 days and it feels like maybe 10. I hope you all can find a way to be a missionary this week. We all have trials but a lot of the time I dont think we realize how blessed we are to have the knowlege that we do. So lets share that!!

Love you all soooo much!

Xoxo, Sister Barton

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