Monday, August 5, 2019

Letter to mom

Oh mom sounds like you had a good week. I love you sooo much and im so happy you and courty got to go to cali before starting work! 

This week was absolutely crazy. On wednesday we went on exchanges with the senior STLs so basically the girl version of APs hahaha but i stayed in acworth with one of the SSTLS and sister trusell went to lilburn with the other two. (The sstls are in a trio) i was with a sister named sister fowler and when i got in the car she told me president is expecting me to call him soooo i did. He was asking me more questions about the whole elder thing and i told him everything i knew and he asked me to basically be the cop and everytime we did something with the elders that wasnt with the rules to call him. I was kinda scared cuz i dont ever have the sim card because sis trussell keeps it in her phone but i told him i could figure it out. President marsh told me how much he trusts me and how he can see how serious im taking my mission and how im already a lot more mature than some of the other missionaries just by living my mission this way from the start. President marsh is awesome and soooo caring.

That was our convo and the next day we went to meet back up from our exchanges. The other sisters called sister fowler and i and told us we are going to meet at chickfila for lunch. We got there and all the senior stls went to the "bathroom" sooo sister trussell and i were left hahahah she turned to me and said "im shaking" i was like wait whats going on? And she told me that president marsh called the senior stls on the way to meet us and then they hung up and said lets go to lunch. She then said "sister barton what did you tell president marsh!?" I told her "i told him everything i know." She was very nervous and the senior stls came back and we began to eat lunch.....

2 minutes into eating sister trussell gets a call... its president marsh. He told her to go outside of chick fila but where we could still see her. She started crying and i was very very worried. She then went to the car and sat in there talking to president. About 10-15 minutes goes by and president now wanted to talk to me! He told me that he is calling an emergency transfer and that last night he was very inspired to do this. He told me that sister trussell will be going to UGA and that i will now be companions with the STLs and be TRIPPLE covering. He told me to go to our appartment immediately and pack up everything. The senior stls drove us and helped us pack everything up. Sister Trussell was bawling and to be honest i wasnt sure how to feel. One of the things sister fowler told me while we were on exchanges was "sister barton you and very content with everything. You know how to rely on the lord and just keep pressing forward during these hard times. You live in the moment." I feel like that is something i have learned how to do on my mission. I am content and happy with what is going on in the moment. I think that is how ive survived so far. Haha but I think the sad part for me with the whole sistuation would be leaving that appartment in acworth because its my favorite and where im born hahaha it also broke my heart to see sister trusell so so sad. She told me at chick fila that she didnt like her exchange and just kept thinking "its ok because i get to go back to barton" and now she didnt. She was so so sad to be sent to UGA as an emergency transfer and very very embarassed. I love sister trusell and wish the best for her but president saw that there needed to be a change.

My new companions are sister austin and sister collins. Sister collins has always been in the north mission and sister austin moved over with me. They are both so amazing and i am learning a lot from them. Sister collins is very very obedient and has so much dilligence in missionary work. Sister austin is so sweet. She has a very very kind demeanor and loves missionary work. Swithing to the north mission was overwhelming for her but she is now and stl and taking everything on so amazingly! I already love them and im excited to learn even more from them. 

Sorry this is so long but if you have any questions ill talk to you more about it when we talk :) LOVE YOU TONS 

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