Tuesday, May 28, 2019

second day in the mtc I mean week

Another week down WAHOOO

This week went so so fast. To think I leave the mtc next tuesday is CRAZY.  weird fact the old STLs got 1 phone call the whole time they were STLs and just this week we have recieved 12 LOL so we are pretty busy with STL stuff.

First things first Happy Birthday to two of the best men!! Conner and Grandpa! Hope you both had the best day on Sunday!

Wednesday: Our first service day! we woke up late again HAHA and our service was cleaning the BOYS bathroom ya ewwww is right. We taught Yayoi again and she is just the cutest awe. The new missionaries came in so were not the baby missionaries anymore! As STLs we were in charge of the welcoming meeting for the new missionaries and that was fun!

Thursday: Thursday was an average day at the mtc full of class, studies, and everything a missionary does. Our district had an emotional day and ill leave it at that LOL

Friday: Last lesson with Yayoi. Yayoi was the first person we ever taught here at the mtc so its crazy to think we are already done teaching her. We love her so much! she grew up Buddhist and it is so fun to watch her learn things that I have taken for granted my whole life.

Saturday: We taught our other investigator Becca. Becca just went through a bad breakup and thinks she isn't worth much so we are helping her realize that God loves her. We also met our new investigator Hazel. Hazel has had the hardest life of anyone I have personally known. She is from Costa Rica and moved here for her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was abusive so she moved in with a lady who has an autistic daughter. The lady told Hazle in order to live with her she had to take care of her autistic daughter and do the chores around the house. The Lady became very manipulative and was very controlling towards Hazle. Hazle now lives with Members who are taking her in as their own daughter. She decided she wanted to meet with the missionaries because she feels like she wants a relationship with god and she says she thinks low of herself a lot. We hope to help her with her relationship with god and help her feel like she is worth way more than she thinks she is.

Sunday: wow one of the busiest days of the week. We had lots of meetings, then church, devotionals, and lots of other stuff. Sister Benesch and I taught Relief Society and that went good! The sisters in our zone are all so much fun and we get along great together. People say girls are dramatic but in our district its definitely the boys HAHA.

Monday: We taught our first lesson with Hazle! It was the best lesson we have had yet! we taught her how to pray and that through prayer we can gain a relationship with God. After we taught Hazle we had a lesson with a member. It was kind of different to teach a member because for the most part they know more than me. We shared a message with him and it was Alma 7:11 where it talks about how Jesus Christ suffered for us so we can feel peace through trials and afflictions. During exercise time we went to the field right across from the MTC to play sand volleyball. It was so so much fun and I kept my eye out for Makell and Conner in case they just happened to be there the same time as me HAHA

Tuesday: p-day wahooo ok so so funny but I got my haircut today! they give free haircuts at the mtc so I thought hmmm why not I love everything thats free LOL the lady actually did a descent job but lets just say not how I would've done it HAHA the salon was actually really cute so that was fun awe back in my element. We are going to play sand volleyball after this and then to the temple so that will be great! 

I am loving the MTC it gets repetitive but overall it is awesome. I still see Sister Butters a lot and it makes my day! im not sure what im going to do when i cant see her in the mission! I love you all and hope everyone is happy because I sure am! LOVE YOU!

xoxo Sister Barton 

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