Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Almost a Month in the MTC...I mean week

Wow I am a real life missionary. I feel like I said goodbye to my family a month ago but its only been less then a week. The MTC is CRAZY. The spirit is so strong here and I'm loving it. 

Wednesday: My family dropped me off at the mtc and for some reason I thought that day would never come. We pull up to the mtc and guess who I see right as i pull in... YES Sister Butters OMG it was the best moment ever i just started bawling HAHA. A sister from Georgia was my host and i've gotta say that was a tender mercy in itself. It was so great to have someone take me from my family by someone who is from where I am going I mean WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT. Definitely gods hand in that one. we then went up a flight of stairs (yes with my two 50LBS suitcases) and then I went through what I call the corn maze into the MTC we literally went into the "main" mtc building and everyone gave me so many things i couldnt even remember what i was getting. hahha thats where i really became a missionary. It was very overwhelming because i had just left my family and then to see all these happy faces and getting straight into things was not what i expected. I then walked out of the mtc corn maze and saw Sister Butters again. Oh what a blessing that was to see her and her cute happy face. her companion and roommates were so nice to me and i felt love from the first moment i met them. After that, we went and dropped off my luggage at my room and went straight to class where we meet our companions. I havent stopped going since then. My companion is Sister Bennesch from Gilbert Arizona. If i can have companions like her my whole mission i know i will survive out here. We are so similar i know god played a part. My roomates are so cute. we live with one other companionship Sister Thompson from Mesa Arizona and Sister Moore from CENTERVILLE. Yes centerville right by me! we even went to the same high school WHATTT. Sister Thompson is a cosmetologist and shes a contortionist so she can do lots of cool tricks. My sis courty would love her haha. I love my roomates and we tend to be in a quad companionship. lol

Thursday: Another busy day in the mtc. We are supposed to wake up at 6:30 but none of our alarms went off. Sister moore woke up at 7:15 so lucky she woke us all up then and we didnt miss class hahha breaking the rules the first day LOL the schedule of a missionary is CRAZY wake up, breakfast, class for 3 hours, lunch, class for 3 hours again, workshop, dinner, personal study, companion study, bed. We are so busy here but like such a good busy I am tired all the time but its ok haha Thursday night we had a meeting with the branch presidency and Sister Bennesh and I got called to be the Sister Training Leaders of our zone so thats pretty exciting!

Friday: These days kind of always all mix together but friday was the first day that our schedule started to calm down a little bit so that was nice.

Saturday: saturday we practiced teaching with another district in our zone and I was soooo bad HAHA i felt so discouraged because i had no idea how to bring the gospel up in a normal conversation so thats that.

Sunday: Sunday at home were always my favorite church was so fun with the little primary kids and then come home and just relax. thats not the case in the mtc. we got up went to branch leadership meeting, then to church, i love love church in the mtc the spirit was incredible. After church we had district meeting. Sunday night we had a devotional and Sister Butters just happend to walk in right behind us so we got to sit by each other so that was the best ever! Sunday was probably the busiest sunday i've ever had. After the devotional we watched a talk called the character of christ by Elder Bednar and it was so so good. so if you get bored watch it if you can!

Monday: All day I was thinking "all i got to do is make it through today and then its p-day!' wow whats better than p day! sister bennesch and i taught our first lesson to an investigator named Yayoi from Japan. We taught her about the godhead and were telling her about Jesus Christ and she said 'wait Jesus Christ was a real human being who had a body?" its crazy the knowledge that we take for granted. We also were teaching her about the Holy Ghost and she made this face like she was scared and then said " wait its a scary ghosts?" HAHAHA we were laughing and were trying to explain that the holy ghost isnt a scary ghost more like a warm happy spirit so that was funny. i did learn that joseph smith bought a mummy and thats why we have the pearl of great price. weird fact i know.  

Tuesday: TODAY WAHOOO i talked to my cute fam and i couldnt be more excited to finally be at p day. People keep telling me just make it to p day and then the time will fly. I am kinda hoping thats the case because the mtc is going slow right now hahahah

I love the friends i have made here. I have realized that i love love meeting new people and i am so excited to get to continue to do that. I have seen many familiar faces here. its the best to see Sister Butters because I get a little piece of my family when i see her so thats the best! We have a elder in our district thats teaching us to do a pull up so ill let you know how that goes hahaha love all my family and am so grateful for the opportunity i have to be a missionary. LOVE YOU ALL

xoxo, Sister Barton 

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